Jigsaw and Salesforce.org

We enjoy working with charities to help them make the most of Salesforce. Find out more about how we helped Jigsaw to enhance their use of campaign monitor with Salesforce.org.


Jigsaw – The National Centre for Youth Mental Health is a community of professionals, supporters, and volunteers.  There’s a shared belief in an Ireland where every young person’s mental health is valued and supported. They offer a listening ear and give advice and support to young people aged 12 – 25 years-old. Jigsaw also give families, teachers, and those who support young people’s mental health ways to cope and skills to be there for young people


Jigsaw are Salesforce.Org customers (the charitable trust part of Salesforce that supports Nonprofits, Schools, Philanthropic Organizations, and Corporations), as well as Campaign Monitor.

Cloud Galacticos are Partners of Salesforce.Org, Campaign Monitor. The Campaign Monitor for Salesforce app was provided by Beaufort 12. So we were well placed to advise on the architecture and ongoing management of these tools within Jigsaw.


Internally, Jigsaw has a knowledgeable and motivated team. They know what information needs to be sent to their community, but they were not experienced in getting the best from the tools they had (mainly Salesforce Campaign Monitor). Our role was primarily an advisory role, to analyse what was needed, check current practice, and make some recommendations that would give the biggest benefit with the smallest disruption.


Good progress has been made to date. Both Cloud Galacticos and Jigsaw look forward to a positive on-going working relationship. As time progresses we will provide architecture advice and feedback, plus any practical help for improving any parts of their Salesforce implementation.

We are very happy to provide Pro Bono help to such a great organisation, and such a friendly team!” Phil Walton, CEO, Cloud Galacticos

“Phil and the Cloud Galacticos team were a pleasure to deal with throughout the various stages of the project. From answering all our questions to actively ensuring that we could use Salesforce Campaign Monitor, and Salesforce to the best of our advantage. We gained a thorough oversight of the Campaign Monitor integration from Cloud Galacticos. We would highly recommend them to any potential future clients.” Elaine O’Dowd, Campaigns Administrator, Jigsaw

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