Salesforce Experience Cloud

What if your customers, partners and team all had a single place where they could engage and collaborate with you to help drive success? With Salesforce Experience Cloud (formerly Salesforce Community Cloud), you can now provide powerful web based experiences to allow you to better connect with your customers, partners, and staff straight from Salesforce.

Customer Experiences

Customer ExperiencesFor customers you can provide a bespoke, branded, and personalised web and mobile experience. This allows them to view information about the products or services you are providing them, receive support through a knowledge base and forum, and so much more. 







Partner Experiences

Partner ExperiencesPartners can connect with you to deliver customer success together and collaborate on shared jobs.

Whether it is submitting leads, running a joint marketing campaign, or collaborating on an opportunity together, you can enable your partners to work directly with your team in your Salesforce instance.






Internal Experiences

Internal ExperiencesFor your own team a community can offer a powerful way of collaborating across the organisation that exceeds the capabilities of a traditional intranet site.

Not just content but powerful social collaboration tools and built-in integrations with tools such as Salesforce’s myTrailhead LMS can ensure your staff are able to stay up to date and collaborate effectively.





Custom Experiences

Custom ExperiencesAll these examples just scratch the surface of what a powerful tool Salesforce Experience Cloud is. We’ve helped clients such as the National Citizen Service deliver a community to help them connect with parents, guardians and young people to capture all the information they need to participate in and understand their programmes.

We helped STEP manage all their applications for membership through a set of custom wizards in a community and migrated their external website authentication to utilise single sign-on with Salesforce Experience Cloud.

We have also delivered custom learning portals, patient liaison portals, and real estate application systems. 


Cloud Galacticos and Experience Cloud

By using Salesforce Experience Cloud, there are an almost infinite number of possibilities for what you can do to help improve the way you engage and interact. If you would like to hear more about any of the solutions we have mentioned, or discuss some ideas you might have, contact us by using the contact form on this page. 

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