Salesforce Managed Services

The tech industry is continually evolving, and with Salesforce it’s even more prevalent. Being at the forefront of technology is a strong focus at Salesforce. There are several new releases a year, with documentation covering hundreds of pages. We, as a company, are primed to stay on top of the latest updates. We also encourage our team to keep on learning, and take exams to stay top of the game.


Why Should You Consider a Salesforce Managed Services Package with Cloud Galacticos?

Managed ServicesThe first reason is to make sure you are not leaving money on the table. When you invest in Salesforce you get access to a huge suite of features. It is almost guaranteed however, that you are not going to utilise them all straight away.

Many are not applicable to a brand new deployment and may be too much too quickly for a first roll-out. We are a big believer in the phrase “you don’t know what you don’t know”. This is especially true with a new software solution. You don’t know how users will use it, the things they will find easy and hard, and what features will help them be more productive. Having a managed services partnership can help you to add these features in an ongoing manner at the right time for you.



Stay Updated

Managed Services Stay UpdatedSalesforce has three releases a year during which an entirely new set of free features get rolled out to your environment.

It’s always a surprise to us when we meet customers who weren’t aware of this. Many had gone years without reviewing the features they had available to them, again effectively leaving money on the table.

As a managed services partner, Cloud Galacticos will work with you consistently to discuss the updates Salesforce are releasing. We will also suggest how to best utilise them to make sure you are taking advantage of the updates.



Dedicated Team of Salesforce Experts

Dedicated Team of Salesforce ExpertsExpertise is another key benefit.

For many organisations it is too costly to recruit a full time Salesforce team member who has the knowledge to be able to support them effectively. A managed services partnership with Cloud Galacticos takes care of this. It allows you to have access to our team of skilled and knowledgeable professionals who can support you as needed and guide you to improving your Salesforce instance over the long term. 





Long Term Vision

Long Term VisionAnother big reason we love engaging with clients on a managed services basis is that it truly moves us to being long term collaborative partners.

If organisations engage with a partner on a per project basis, short term aims can overtake long term vision and strategy. A managed services partnership can help to ensure that going forward the long term vision is maintained and improved upon.





Find Out More About Salesforce Managed Services at Cloud Galacticos

By choosing a Salesforce Managed Service at Cloud Galacticos, you’ll have peace of mind. You will also have access to our highly skilled team to offer continual project support as needed. Finally, a big reason we prefer to engage with clients on a managed services basis is that it moves us to being long term collaborative partners.

So iIf you would like to hear more about our managed services packages please contact us

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